GSOC Second Coding Phase: Week 2

Its been two weeks already since the first evaluation for gsoc 2018 which I was elated to pass, due to the large amount of effort I invested. I was able to implement the dictation using the CMU Sphinx library,  Pocketsphinx which I implemented as external javascript classes as explained in previous blog posts.

Over the past few weeks, I planned on getting the dictation running on reports created with report templates as well, as I had initially implemented the voice just on the free text report. My goal for the second coding phase was to get dictation running on report templates, and begin work on my owa, such that I would have a functional OWA by the second evaluation. But given that the work on creating reports using report templates done last year by Larry was not merged, I had to do that bit myself, before incorporating the voice dictation. Larry provided me his work from last year, but simply merging it with my work was not possible because it seems a lot has changed in Librehealth radiology since then, so some of the code he wrote last which was functional, threw some really puzzling errors when I tried merging with my work, so I had study his work in depth, understand it and understand where the problems were coming from. Thus I made a few changes, and although it took longer than expected, I got it to work.

As of now, dictation is possible both with report templates and free text templates. I commenced work on the owa yesterday and will put in extra hours this week to meet my deadline of the second evaluation. Then after the evaluation, I’ll work on saving the reports into the new spring data architecture of Librehealth Radiology

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